December 27, 2016
Most companies have a budget and a marketing plan but do not devote enough resources to ensuring the highest standards of customer service. Offering the best products in the world will not build customer loyalty. If your customers aren’t happy with the service they receive, they won’t purchase from you, they won’t come back and they’ll tell others to stop doing business with you. However, if you have a reasonable product and your customers are delighted with the service, they will keep returning to do business with you. Plus, they will tell others about your products and company.
Word-of-mouth is a powerful marketing tool. Customers who spread good news about your company, products and services are the best sales reps you can have. They are not employees and there is “nothing in it for them” to sell your products and services. So they’re perceived as having higher credibility than a paid sales representative.
The majority of the sales process has already been completed when a prospective customer recommended by another customer calls your company. It is much easier to close the sale because trust has been established based solely on the recommendation of their friend or colleague.
So, how do you turn your customers into sales reps for your company? It’s easy. Simply do the unexpected. Look for ways to surprise and delight each customer who does business with you. In other words, give your customers something to talk about.
Here are six ways to exceed customer expectations.