
Loyalty Leader University

It is often said that most people would rather die than get up in front of an audience to speak.

Have you been asked to give a presentation in your organization? While hard work and good ideas are essential to success, your ability to express those ideas and get others to join you is just as important.

If this thought makes you nervous you are not alone. Many speakers lack the skills and confidence to make effective presentations. We have all been victims of speakers, trainers and teachers who put us to sleep. Despite knowing how ineffective many speakers are, many of us have found that, despite the best intentions, we haven’t fared much better.

You knew the topic and the ideas were written down, but the presentation still didn’t go well. Was it the way you delivered the speech? Was it because the audience didn’t seem interested?

Don’t get nervous — get organized. Presentation nervousness is most often caused by poor preparation. During this program, Debra J. Schmidt will teach you how to improve your presentation skills to help you build rapport and connect with your audience.

Contact Deb

You'll learn:

  • How to prepare a winning presentation
  • The 4 basic questions every audience needs answered
  • 10 secrets for reducing your nervousness on presentation day
  • How to increase your confidence and build your credibility with the audience
  • Proven methods to help you connect with your audience
  • The 7 Principles of Public Speaking

leadership Training Workshops