Loyalty Leader Quick Tips

Is a Customer Service Job Right for You?

May 10, 2017

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Zappos quoteJobs that require a great deal of customer interaction are not for everyone. Competent, qualified employees capable of delivering exceptional customer service are needed throughout the organization.

Dealing with customers is rewarding, but it can also be challenging and exhausting at times. It takes a person with polished communication skills, a commitment to excellence, patience, and empathy to build strong customer relationships. While many service skills can be learned, employees also need the right type of personality and a predictably positive attitude.

Before applying for any job that involves considerable customer interaction, take this short quiz as a self-assessment to help you determine whether or not customer service is the right type of job for you.

Is a Customer Service Job the Best Fit For Me?

  1. I know that my customers are the reason for my work, not an interruption of my tasks.
    True  False
  2. I maintain a warm, friendly attitude toward my external and internal customers, no matter how busy I am.
    True  False
  3. I take ownership of meeting customer needs and resolving customer complaints.
    True  False
  4. I actively seek ways to make my customers and co-workers feel valued.
    True  False
  5. I consistently model the highest ethical and business standards for the company.
    True  False
  6. I do not get defensive when I’m dealing with an angry customer.
    True  False
  7. I genuinely believe that I owe it to my co-workers and customers to show up for work every day with a predictably positive attitude.
    True  False
  8. Customers have the right to expect friendly, knowledgeable service from caring employees who maintain a professional image at all times.
    True  False
  9. I do not take it personally when a customer vents their frustration about the product or company.
    True  False
  10. I recognize that my co-workers are my primary customers and work toward building trust across departmental boundaries.
    True  False
  11. I exhibit patience, courtesy, and respect to people, regardless of their behavior toward me.
    True  False
  12. I offer solutions and options to customers rather than telling them what to do.
    True  False
  13. I am able to remain professional and friendly with all customers, even when I am having a tough day.
    True  False
  14. I am committed to being a life-long learner by actively participating in training that can help me improve my skills.
    True  False

If you answered “True” to all of the questions, CONGRATULATIONS! A customer service job is a great fit for you. You will build strong customer relationships. The way you interact with your customers will significantly contribute to the success of a company.

If you answered “False” to any of the questions, a customer service position may not be the best fit for you.

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